
It’s in slow motion in my head
I’m watching from a distance
You’re running the wrong way
Towards the danger, towards death

But you’re running from the fears
That what’s driving your feat
You don’t see what’s ahead
Not entirely evil, but mean as hell

I can’t do anything about it
I’m in this too; I found a place to hide
But I feel seconds as hours
My head full of fears so crowded

Your eyes with a moment of relief
As you get further away
Still not knowing what to come
You think you’re out of the heat

I have to cover my head
I don’t need this in my nightmares
I feel selfish, as you won’t even dream again
I run to save you instead

I now have to fear nothing
I’ll be brave for you
I’ll save you
So I get up cursing and screaming

But as I’m running there screaming I realize I forgot…
I look back at my hiding, can I take the chance?
Now every minute feels like one split second
Too late…
I got both of us shot